2 Reasons you never have anything to wear!
nothing to wear?
Here’s why…
There you are, once again starring at your cluttered wardrobe, wondering why you haven’t got anything appropriate to wear! Thinking how on earth you’re always in this position when your wardrobe is overflowing and you struggle to close it. Well these are the reasons why…
Your special pieces are no longer special
You know that expensive hand-knitted top you bought to wear to that party, the one you got complimented on by everyone, well it’s become less special since you started wearing to work, when you go out for coffee with your friends, and when you travel. Yes that’s right! Wearing a product in a variety of situations and in numerous ways lead you to like the item less. According to a study individuals rated a greater level of dissatisfaction with the product the more the product has been used in different circumstances for different occasions. Authors of the study Jordan Etkin (Duke University) and Aner Sela (University of Florida) reported that “When people perceived more variety among a product’s usage situations, they liked the product less.” The “I have nothing to wear” phenomenon triggers when you have clothes you purchased for particular occasions like a wedding, a job interview or a date and you then decide to incorporate them into your daily wardrobe. Those clothes become basic, mundane and boring, failing to excite your senses and that thrill you once got from wearing them, is lost. As for those Sophia Webster Butterfly Wing Heels you splashed out on, we excuse you for wearing them only that once! We get it, no one wants to lose that exhilarating feeling, so you can stop feeling guilty about that!
You’re a frequent but not a strategic shopper
You enjoy shopping and always buy anything you like (especially when it’s on sale) but you fail to think ahead and disregard what you already own, so when it comes down to creating an outfit, you struggle! Instead you should try to make wiser choices, coordinating your purchases with what you already own, and visualizing where you would wear them so next time you don’t even have to think about your outfit, it’s already picked out for you, imagined and stored (in both your memory and your closet!). Oh and thinking strategically about your purchases will do wonders for your storage space as you will have less pieces but better coordinated outfits ready to go!